Sunday, October 23, 2011

Causes of high blood pressure

Causes of high blood pressure:
Excessive mental stress and a stressful daily routine are the mainreason for high blood pressure. Wrong eating habits and irregular lifestyle develop negative thoughts, and a competitive life style increasesthe risk of this disease. Sometimes high blood pressure could alsooccur due to the side-effects of some medicines.
Addictionto smoking and alcohol for a long time, consumption of non-vegetarianfood, mental stress, anger, feeling of loneliness, lack of exercise,excess intake of salt, continuous medication, obesity, kidney diseases,sleeplessness, being awake till late hours, and holding very highambitions are the main reasons for hypertension.
Symptoms of high blood pressure:
Overweight,headache, heaviness and restlessness, palpitation, weariness,sleeplessness, fast heart beat, discomfort, reddishness on face andears, panicky, short tempered nature, giddiness, nose bleeding are thecommon symptoms of high blood pressure. It is also known as silentkiller, a disease that causes harm slowly. The major health problemsthat could arise due to high blood pressure are paralysis, brainhemorrhage, heart attack etc.
Yogic cure:
Yogahas special importance in controlling high blood pressure and regularpractice of yoga is very beneficial. Light relaxing exercises are alsobeneficial in case of this problem.
Deep breathing andKumbhak should be avoided and postures like Sukhasana, Vajrasana shouldbe used for practicing breathing exercises. Practice Shavasana in caseof weariness.
Chandrabhedi pranayam is beneficial in reducing high blood pressure.
Katichakrasana,Tadasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Pavan muktasana andShavasana are very beneficial in case of normal blood pressure level.Body purification processes and Jalaneti are very beneficial.
Regularpractice of yoga nidra is helpful in controlling the increased bloodpressure levels. Regular practice of meditation reduces the risk ofhigh blood pressure.
Nature cure:
Naturecure gives instant results and controls high blood pressure. Itincludes keeping wet bandage on stomach and forehead, enema, hot waterbath and spine bath. Cold water spine bath is very beneficial in thiscase. Placing cold bandage on spine is also equally effective.
Keeping a wet mud bandage or lep on whole body once a week is also beneficial.
Waterprepared in green bottle after keeping it under sun (during sunset) isideal. Drink half cup of this water twice daily to control high bloodpressure.
The patient of high blood pressure should begin his day with morning walk and try to lead a natural life.
Diet and regimen:
Food has an important place in any illness especially in case of high blood pressure.
Food should not cause constipation, and in fact relieve it. Fruit diet is ideal for sometime and then begin the treatment.
Reduce the intake of salt.
Eat seasonal fruits at least three to four times during the day.
Concentrate on food while eating and chew it properly.
Thepatients of high blood pressure should not eat hot, spicy, stale, heavyfood and items made with gram flour, sugar, meat, and avoid smoking,drinking alcohol.
Try to get rid of any negative thoughts at the time of eating food. Negative thinking has bad effect on digestion of the food.
Drink one glass lukewarm lemon water with two spoons honey in the morning.
Eat seasonal fruit like papaya, guava or sprouts and fenugreek or fruit juice in breakfast.
Eat chapatti made with whole wheat flour, one or two boiled green vegetables, salad and curd.
Take any seasonal fruit or fruit juice or lemon water mixed with honey in the evening.
Take one or two chapattis made with whole wheat flour or coarse meal and boiled vegetable along with salad at night.
Home remedies
Mix onion juice and pure honey in equal quantities and take two grams once daily to cure high blood pressure.
Onionjuice reduces cholesterol level in the blood and prevents heart attackand controls the stiffness of blood veins. It helps in reducing highblood pressure. Honey makes the heart strong and healthy. Use thisremedy for five to seven days and note the difference. Continue it forfew days in case of benefit.
Grind watermelon seeds and poppyseeds separately and mix in equal quantities. Take three gram on emptystomach with water twice daily. This controls high blood pressure andhelps in getting proper sleep. It also overcomes headache. This shouldbe taken three to four times.
Take three grams of dry fenugreekpowder twice daily on empty stomach for 10-15 days with water to reducehigh blood pressure. It is also beneficial in case of diabetes.
Chew one or two peeled garlic pods after meals with water. Alternatively, eat the garlic pods wrapped in dry dates (seedless).
Grindwheat and gram in equal quantities and prepare the flour. Makechapattis made with whole wheat flour and eat daily. This controls highbloodpressure within one or two days.
Store water in copper vessel at night and drink it in the morning. This is very beneficial to control high blood pressure.
Grindfour basil leaves and two neem leaves with water and take on emptystomach for five to seven days to control high blood pressure.
Eat ripe papaya on empty stomach regularly in the morning and do not eat anything up to two hours after this.
Useonion and garlic in food to overcome heart disease. Using onion andgarlic in proper proportion reduces cholesterol level and regulateshigh blood pressure level.
Diluted curd is very beneficial incase of low and high blood pressure. Patients of low blood pressureshould take two grains of asafetida along with diluted curd. Drink aglassful of diluted curd one hour after meals; it acts like nectar.
Cholai vegetable and its juice is beneficial in controlling high blood pressure, like diluted curd.
Harmful Food:
Heavyfood made with milk, butter, oily food, clarified butter, salt,brinjal, potato, half ripe banana, raw jack fruit, pulses, refinedflour, sweets, jaggery, oil, dry mango powder, spices, polished rice,sugar, coffee, tea, sitting in the same position or standing for longtime, running up the stairs, eating in excess and frequently are allharmful.
Suitable food:
Sweetlime, apple, watermelon, myrobalan, lemon, papaya, are suitable. Greenvegetables, spinach, gourd, onion, tomato, carrot, salad, carrot juice,bathua are all beneficial. Soak stale chapatti in milk and eat. Mixglucose in curd and eat. Do not drink water while eating food. Mixjuice of half lemon in half cup of water and drink twice or thrice forimmediate effect

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