Sunday, October 23, 2011

Medicine Advice

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Medicine Advice

Medical Advice Medical Articles




Doctors recommend that owners of oily skin Idkouha half strawberry fruit directly

Tenet three a day to provide the five required daily amount of iron the body …
Eat ten fruits of plum dried to provide the same amount needed by
Three Tenet with 8 fruits prune save you from anemia and grape skin protects Manalmchakl.
Containing fruit enzymes, minerals and antioxidants help in the treatment of many diseases and all the fruit of a particular help in the treatment of a disease In this report address many common diseases, fruits, appropriate treatment, taking into account that excessive intake of food given to him weigh the side.
Health experts say the mandate of Boston, the best fruit for the treatment of this Almrdahy figs and prunes to the clear winners of iron, which helps to carry oxygen to parts of the body and reduce the suffering from anemia and advised scientists to address three Tenet day to provide the five required quantity per day for the body of iron and eat ten fruits of Prunes to provide the same amount needed by the body and prefer eating figs and plum with dried fruits rich in vitamin “C”, such as citrus and strawberry.
In the same context, recent study conducted by scientists in the University of “Maryland” The Figs to treat osteoporosis because it contains a high proportion of calcium and confirmed that Eat 5 fruits of figs, dry day helps to provide of the amount of calcium and magnesium, which complements the work of calcium in protection against osteoporosis.
Best fruit for the treatment of this disease as confirmed by Canadian researchers is the pineapple because it contains Alberumilen which helps in the digestion of proteins and can be eaten after a meal rich in nutrients.
Skin and yellowed teeth
Strawberries are ideal for this task because they contain some acids refreshing for the skin tired and the doctors advised the owners of oily skin that Idkouha half of the fruit of strawberry directly and confirm that eating strawberries constantly helps to purify the skin in a few days as it helps to whiten teeth and add a touch of glitter on them.
Menstrual problems
Bananas are the best fruit to treat it as it contains a good proportion of vitamin “B” is estimated at 15% of the amount required each day in the banana one and helps the vitamin to treat diseases, stress, depression and mood disorders that accompany the menstrual cycle of women and bananas also contains chromium, which helps to regulate the level of sugar in the blood, which inhibits appetite towards sweets and chocolate, which is the women in this period.
Skin problems
To address the veins red, which appear on the skin, researchers found b Harvard University, grapes help to strengthen the walls of capillaries and accurate to avoid the emergence of the veins red in the skin and confirmed that grapes contain compounds Alababo Flavinoidz which help to strengthen the walls of tiny blood vessels and prevent bleeding bloody light.

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